Social Dinner at The General Store: Lukma (Lebanese Food)
Social Dinner: Lukma
June 5th 8.30 pm
Chef: Krystel Medawar
involtini fritti di formaggio
con ravanelli arrostiti, zaatar e dukkah
Kibbeh di lenticchie
lenticchie rosse con burghul integrale, cipollotto e erbe e salsa ai peperoni
Kafta di agnello
con cipolla di tropea caramellata, patate arrostite e salsa allo yogurt e tahina
semolina con crema di ashta e frutta secca
After years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in Beirut, Krystel followed her passion and dedicated herself to cooking. She studied gastronomy in Milan at the Congusto school. With a passion for Lebanese flavors, she now shares her expertise in culinary arts through her dishes.